"I want to be untouchable and beautiful and completely dead inside."
"I want to be untouchable and beautiful and completely dead inside."- Francesca Lia Block (via khalu)
slentando: estella warren 1990s
estella warren 1990s
"When you start to think of the arts as not this thing that is going to get you somewhere in terms of..."
"When you start to think of the arts as not this thing that is going to get you somewhere in terms of becoming an artist or becoming famous or whatever it is that people do, but rather a way of making being in the world not just bearable, but fascinating, then it starts to get interesting again."- Lynda Barry, my hero (via crashinglybeautiful)
"Being an artist means forever healing your own wounds and at the same time endlessly exposing them."
"Being an artist means forever healing your own wounds and at the same time endlessly exposing them."- (via mols)
utaupe: ph. Moritz Wahl
ph. Moritz Wahl
vi-treous: 211/365
a-lovely-cup-of-jo: untitled by iloki on Flickr.
likeawritingdesk: i don't know what to tell you other than the fact that a giraffe's heart weighs...
i don't know what to tell you
other than the fact that a giraffe's
heart weighs 22 pounds and that
somebody once told me when
flies fall in love, their entire brain
is rewired to only know loving each
other. when one of them dies, their
memory becomes blank. i hope you
never think about anything as much
as i think about waking up next to
you during a windstorm at 5 am.
andrewharlow: Roberto Rubalcava
allmymetaphors: Day 56/365 Salt Pepper and Spinderella
Day 56/365
Salt Pepper and Spinderella
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