Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 6/3/13
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 6/3/13:This week I only got to see a little bit of Daddy but my Mom came into town and we had an awesome time. I wasn't able to plug or cum or anything, so I am trying to make up plug time for last week.
I got a bit of a free pass on sweets for the weekend, which I appreciated. Sunday, my Mom and I…
Lilbluebunny maintenance span kings
Lilbluebunny maintenance span kings
Fill er up
Fill er up
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 5/27/13
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 5/27/13:Other than one day where I was a little off last week, I have still been doing a lot better. Now that class is over I have a lot more free time and I have been spending a lot of it writing, which I love doing.
I got to see Daddy Saturday night and Sunday morning. We went out to a little beer…
Diapered after spanking
Diapered after spanking
Under my boot
Under my boot
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 5/20/13
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 5/20/13:It's a little hard to know what to write about now that things are going really well. Daddy and I had an awesome time at Kraken's Lair on Friday and we had a really hot beatdown that ended with him stepping on my hair while I cried on his boot. He also did 5 strokes with the sjambok, which…
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 5/14
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 5/14:Daddy and I had an amazing weekend at FetFestCon with some of our friends. We went up to the Poconos Friday and stayed through Sunday afternoon. While we were there I helped Daddy with two classes and we had a really great scene.
I had such a good time that it is really hard to put it into…
IssaBunneh tied suffocated needles under her toenails and...
IssaBunneh tied suffocated needles under her toenails and electrified.
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 4/29/13
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 4/29/13:Last week was pretty bumpy but, over the weekend, I suddenly started feeling like things were better. A lot of my jealousy seems to have resolved themselves. Daddy has a girl coming down to spend the weekend and last week I was so jealous I couldn't stand the thought. Now, I just hope they have a…
Fun times at the Krakens Lair Party
Fun times at the Krakens Lair Party
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 4/22/2013
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 4/22/2013:I had another rough week thanks to a medication that made me depressed and paranoid. I am glad to no longer be on that medication and I am working on recovering while it gets out of my system. I am still facing some serious depression but the paranoia has cleared up and I am getting better.
dammitpunk: Apparently my mouth is not just for cock and food...
Apparently my mouth is not just for cock and food anymore, I also get to put panties in it!
Sadist and photographer @ Kiwisaurus
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 4/15/13
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 4/15/13:Daddy and I had kind of a rough weekend together. We were both a little off all weekend and we struggled to get over it. Friday night we went to a party and had a good scene with the pear. We played again Sunday and had another good scene.
I was in a foul mood when I got there Friday night and…
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 4/9/13
Reports for Daddy: Weekly Report 4/9/13:Daddy and I spent the weekend together at a kink event. He taught two classes and I acted as sort of an assistant for them, which mostly involved standing around naked and handing him things when he needed them or getting zapped with electrical toys.
We didn't get to play and, after our failed…
Reports for Daddy: I had a couple of bad days last week but I seem to be handling them...
Reports for Daddy: I had a couple of bad days last week but I seem to be handling them...:I had a couple of bad days last week but I seem to be handling them better now than I was before. I don't remember the last time I had an all-out meltdown, which I am really happy about.
This weekend I was with Daddy from Friday through Sunday. We spent a lot of time lying in bed and cuddling…
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