Friday, June 7, 2013


My body keeps changing on me..

My body keeps changing on me..

I officially start training at the second job on Monday, right after I get out of the first job. I...

I officially start training at the second job on Monday, right after I get out of the first job. I need to wear specific clothing that I, of course, do not own. The soles of my shoes just wore through, so I need a pair of those too. But naturally I’m broke as shit and don’t have money to buy any of that. Should be exciting. :/

I feel like I’ve got nothing to be happy about. Whether or not it’s true seems to make...

I feel like I’ve got nothing to be happy about. Whether or not it’s true seems to make no difference. I just keep crying. All the time for all the reasons.

And hairy man cuddles too. The best.

And hairy man cuddles too. The best.

Hairy man thighs though. *swoon*

Hairy man thighs though. *swoon*

Frozen grapes are the best.

Frozen grapes are the best.

Various webcam pics of me from the last two years. :P

Various webcam pics of me from the last two years. :P

Sometimes I look like a pretty boy and I don't mind.

Sometimes I look like a pretty boy and I don't mind.

"My biggest fear is that eventually you will see me the way I see myself."

"My biggest fear is that eventually you will see me the way I see myself."

- Anonymous (via bonjourarmand)

I might use tape or bandaids to tame my nipples so I can go braless this summer. Unless anyone has a...

I might use tape or bandaids to tame my nipples so I can go braless this summer. Unless anyone has a better idea?

And so the cramps begin. If the feels weren’t enough to put me in a fetal position, these...

And so the cramps begin. If the feels weren’t enough to put me in a fetal position, these should do the trick.

God, why do I have to torture myself by looking at the profiles of people on Facebook who make me...

God, why do I have to torture myself by looking at the profiles of people on Facebook who make me feel most insecure? I feel pukey now. Thanks brain for being stupid.

And my feet.

And my feet.

Freckle vanity post. Also, my nostrils are different shapes :P.

Freckle vanity post. Also, my nostrils are different shapes :P.

Was invited to a cookout with a friend. Good news is I look...

Was invited to a cookout with a friend. Good news is I look cute. Bad news is I found an excuse not to go because I'm too anxious about being in a room full of strangers by myself. :/:/:/:/

Well fuck if I'm not the saddest. I have so little going for me… a lifetime of crippling debt and...

Well fuck if I'm not the saddest. I have so little going for me… a lifetime of crippling debt and mental illness, sure, but I'll never actually be good for anyone. I want to stop being alone all the time, but I have a lease until December… And even if I didn't, nobody wants to live with me. I'm so lonely that I'm actually hoping I get a second job just to have something to occupy me 60+ hours a week. I just want these feels to go away.

Goodnight tumblr. I can’t handle tonight.

Salted caramel gelato + brownies = the best.

Salted caramel gelato + brownies = the best.

I think I need to be done with this tumblr. Maybe start a new one and pretend this one never...

I think I need to be done with this tumblr. Maybe start a new one and pretend this one never existed. Try to erase the Internet porns from my life so that I don’t get royally fucked over by it one day… Because it’s totally cool to look at naked girls on the Internet, but being a naked girl on the Internet is the worst offense. I know these pictures will always exist. I can’t ever really get rid of them….

But maybe my tumblr experience will be better without 11k followers anyway. Maybe I’ll actually meet people and talk to them instead of getting intimidated by the 3k messages. Thinking on this decision a bit more.

Mother’s Day cable programming sucks.

Mother’s Day cable programming sucks.

Crying over cap’n crunch and loneliness.

Crying over cap’n crunch and loneliness.

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